The results of this test astonished me, my personality test result was surprisingly accurate. I got type ISTP.
Here's the description - Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions. Analyze what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems. Interested in cause and effect, organize facts using logical principles, value efficiency.
That's me.
I will put up with anything, and don't really stick to my own personal rules. I am quiet, I don't talk a lot or loudly. I am a problem solver. I enjoy fixing things. People ask me to fix their problems all the time. I love tinkering with things and finding what makes them work. I can also find little problems among big ideas. Cause and effect are similar to finding how things work. I try to arrange my life logically, including my thoughts, possessions, and lifestyle. I love it when things work, and work well and are efficient.
This new information on personalities helps me understand how people are different, but the same. The test gives you two different options on four different aspects of your lifestyle, creating 16 possible personality types. Everyone in the world should have a similar personality, and from their personality type, assuming it's accurate, we should be able to infer how they act in a certain situation.
The information can help me answer our big question on what does it mean to be human because everyone has one of these sixteen personality types. Your personality is part of what makes you human. Although were all different, we are all are similar in several key ways, and personality is one of those key similarities of what it means to be human.
"Everyone in the world should have a similar personality, and from their personality type, assuming it's accurate, we should be able to infer how they act in a certain situation." Wouldn't it be nice to be able to predict the way people are going to act and react based on their personality type? Perhaps we should all wear our letters around our neck. : )
ReplyDeleteI would have liked to see you expand/elaborate more on how this information can help us answer our big question.