What do do with your online profile is a very controversial topic. Personally I think that the decision should be left upto the victim. Already there are products and services that manage your profile when you die. They can hold passwords, credentials, and the links to your online profiles. There are options to "incinerate" the page when you die, if you do not want it sticking around. This is a solution to family members not being able to obtain your password.
I think that your life can live on online. I don't see a big problem with that. I personally think that people just posting on a persons account when they are dead is creepy to me. I understand the "I'm dead" message, but some people just post status update for dead people. I think that Adam Ostrow's Idea (Guy from the ted talk) of bringing the dead back to life would be fine. There was a proposed idea that in the future they could make a robot that had the personality of those who passed away by using their online life.
After we die I think that our online lives should be memorialized. It should be a place to remember the dead. I don't think that families should control identities. I think that this should be something written in their will. The passed might not want people to remember them by their online life. But some might treasure their life online and want to keep it how it is now.